Yes it’s that time of the year again when we should all be getting our lovely little pooches in tip-top condition, teaching them to sit for more than a second and getting them primed for the major doggy-tastic event of the year which is Northern Cyprus’s answer to Crufts – the Kyrenia Animal Rescue Dog Show!
Although it’s fairly complicated to achieve, you would obviously never leave your beloved pets behind when considering relocating to North Cyprus! The pet relocation process itself just requires some forward planning, and if you start early enough you will prevent yourself a lot of the stress that others incur when relocating animals and leaving everything to the last minute.
KUŞKOR, translating to North Cyprus Society for the Protection of Birds and Nature, has been active in North Cyprus for over 10 years, and strives to educate the Turkish Cypriot population about protecting birdlife and nature through presentations to schools and villages, as well as monitoring the bird population on the island as best it can, whether migratory or native.
North Cyprus does suffer somewhat from the ‘stray dog’ syndrome, and many expats will take on the odd ‘pet’ found in their local area to lighten to load somewhat, but unfortunately there is no real solution in place to ensure that stray animals are neutered to prevent the population overload that occurs, especially with cats and dogs.