Recent research for another article led to lots of Google searches and the like and subsequently inspired this article about one of the most popular social networking sites Facebook, and what you may be able to find on its pages to do with North Cyprus.
These days the worldwide web can assist everyone in communicating with friends and family, and Facebook has played a huge part in allowing people to promote all aspects of life, and North Cyprus is no exception. If you are an FB addict like us, then you can join all sorts of groups that feature everything from social, activity and supportive based interests. Of course, you have to have a Facebook account to be able to go around the site and find things of interest, so hopefully if reading this article you will already have one or will sign up now!
On researching for this article we were amazed at the amount of content for North Cyprus on Facebook, and below we will detail some of the more interesting groups that you can join and participate in. Some groups are started to promote the abolition of embargoes in North Cyprus whilst some are purely for fun, friendship and active participation.
Sofa Restaurant – this super a la carte restaurant linked to one of the best boutique hotels in North Cyprus, Bella View in Bellapais, has a solid membership to their Facebook group and you can catch a glimpse of some of the most mouth watering dishes on offer via their photos section – simply heavenly!
North Cyprus Renewable Energy – this group is run by Henrik Personn, a German national raised in North Cyprus. The aim of his group and company is to push renewable and clean energy sources in Cyprus. Henrik and his brother Peter have won awards for their efforts towards making alternative energy sources a reality in the house building sector and they are very open to providing free advice if required.
Zet Karting – if you are a bit of a sports or activities enthusiast then why not check out some of the groups available to join such as Zet Karting – this is the go-karting circuit in Lefkoşa which can provide a great day out. They hold regular go-karting events including a Cup challenge so why not join in! Unfortunately only in Turkish, but you can’t go wrong with checking the dates for events and there are English speakers who can help translate for you.
Embargoed! – if you are a sympathiser to the North Cyprus cause of being recognised as a country in its own right then why not sign up to the global group Get the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus recognized as a country. Already a well signed up group, they are also petitioning to get North Cyprus on the choice of countries available on Facebook – we wish them all the very best of luck and hope their membership continues to grow.
Sidestreets – if you are interested in arts and culture in North Cyprus then the group to join would be Sidesreets based in Lefkosa. The group is updated on a regular basis with notifications and details of events which are happening all over North Cyprus. Alternatively read our article on the Sidestreets organisation for more information!
You Know Your Living In Cyprus When….. – a very light hearted group aimed at injecting some humour into aspects of living in North Cyprus such as “you know when are living in North Cyprus when you can come to class 15 minutes late but it doesn’t matter because your teacher isn’t even there yet” and “you leave the post-code part on the app forms because you don’t have one” – take a look and add some yourself!
Karpaz Eşşeklernin Yok Olmasina Dur Diyelim!!! – If you love animals and have a heart for the humble Cyprus donkey then this group has been set up for you! With over 1,000 members this group aims to highlight the plight of the animal that has become a symbol of Cyprus and one which has been subject to some controversy of the past few years. In efforts to voice concerns worldwide this group should help the donkeys plight no end, so join up and support those that cannot speak for themselves!
And last, but certainly not least, we have also started an Essential Cyprus Facebook page too – please feel free to like our page where will be provide more news, articles and information.
There are obviously many more groups that you can become members of from village communities to hotels, sports groups involving diving and surfing, 4×4 vehicle off road clubs and many more. Have a trawl and see what you fancy!